We all know a picture is worth a thousand words.
On March 24th, 2018 march for our lives marches were held across the nation. March for Our Lives was a student-led demonstration in support of tighter gun control that took place on March 24, 2018, in Washington, D.C., with over 800 sibling events throughout the United States and around the world.
Here are a few pictures from the sibling event in March for our lives in Fort Worth. Let’s Put Cowtown on the map; share this blog with others! Don’t forget to like and follow www.facebook.com/onebelieforganization
and www.instagram.com/onebelieforganization
We all must simply be in AWE of today’s youth, not taking NO for an answer! This young lady Lillian Scott along with other students lead 8,000 Fort Worth Protesters in the Fort Worth area Alone! Lillian along with a young passionate gentleman in her class who also spoke with fellow classmates did an awesome job. I know it took a lot for these students to pull this off but boy did they! Check out a few photos from March here!

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