New year, new you!
You know the drill: it’s time to reflect on the past and make some resolutions for next year. We’re here to help with that—and to make sure you don’t forget about your goals and intentions before you’ve even made them. So let’s get started!

First off, think about where you want to be this time next year. What do you want your life to look like? What kind of person do you want to be? And how will you be different than right now?
Take a few minutes to write down everything that comes to mind, then organize them as best as possible into some kind of loose structure. Maybe it’s an organizational system (like a calendar), maybe it’s just a list written out by hand or typed up on a computer—whatever works for you! Just make sure there’s something there so that when January rolls around again next year and those resolutions start feeling like they’re slipping away from memory, they won’t be lost forever.

You know what they say: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”
We believe in setting intentions instead of goals. Goals are about what you have to do—they’re external and restrictive. They’re like the directions on a map that tell you where to go, but not why it matters that you get there.
On the other hand, intentions are more like a compass: they point towards something bigger than yourself, something that matters more than just getting from point A to point B. They guide us towards a purpose outside ourselves—something bigger than our own happiness or success.
This is a time of year when we all make resolutions or set goals for ourselves for the coming year. It’s a good idea to take some time to reflect on your intentions for the next 12 months—

What are the big things that are going on in your life right now? How can we help support you in those areas? And what do you want to accomplish this year that isn’t already an expectation? We hope we can help make it happen!
Here are some questions to help you get started:
- Did you achieve what you set out to achieve? If so, congratulations! If not, why not? What would it take for you to get there?
- Are there things from last year that were important to you that didn’t happen? Why not? What can you do differently this year to make sure those things get done?
- What would you like to change in your life right now?
- How can you make that change happen?
- What steps do you need to take in order to achieve this goal?

The thing is, setting goals and intentions for the new year is a tradition that has been going on for centuries. It’s a great way to set yourself up for a successful year, whether you’re trying to get more organized or finally lose those extra pounds.
Think about what you want to accomplish this year and what you want to take better care of, regardless if it’s about your body by eating more healthfully and exercising more often—or maybe you want to improve your finances by saving more money and paying off your debt quickly. Whatever it is, write it down!

Just make sure that the goals are realistic. Don’t set yourself up for failure by creating goals that are too hard for you to achieve in one year’s time. Instead, take baby steps toward achieving them, like eating breakfast every day instead of skipping breakfast every morning or walking 10 minutes every day instead of 30 minutes all at once every week which could easily lead to burnout.
Finally, track your progress! Make sure that every time you reach a goal or make progress toward one of them, write it down so that next year will be even better than this one!
: PersonalGrowth, Self-growth, AnxietyAwareness, EmotionalWellbeing, SchoolSpeaker, PlanoSchoolSpeaker, FriscoSchoolSpeaker, MentalHealthAwarenessSpeaker, OneBelief, MansfieldYouthMotivationalSpeaker, ArlingtonSchoolSpeaker, Wellness MentalHealth, Wellness, MentalHealthProblems, top youth motivational speaker, youth motivational speaker, Youthpublicspeaker, youth motivation, school speaker, public speaker, motivational speaker, your story, mental health advocate, youth mental health virtual speaker, positive affirmations, School speaker, positivity, encouragement, motivation, mental health speaker, social-emotional learning
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