By the age of 15 I had lost my best friend to suicide. He was high on drugs and drunk when this happened. From there, I really took my drug abuse to the extreme and just wanted more and more. This lead me to truancy at school and hanging out in the streets. I was also running away from home. My brother was doing the same thing, but with much more dangerous drugs.

When I was in the streets, I did some really immoral acts and pretty daring performances in order to obtain money.
This may be from stealing from my parents, stealing from my friends, stores, purse snatching, wallet snatching. I did this type of stuff everyday. You can only assume that I wasn’t alone. So yeah, the people I was hanging around were also doing the same kind of stuff. They didn’t last too long though.

I knew that something had to change. I had to change. My mental had to change. I began to realize what this meant to me.
Mental health to me means having full clarity of your conscious. Knowing how to deal with depression, anxiety and other mental disorders. Knowing which things in life you need to prioritize. Letting your mind wonder around doing nothing is NOT healthy. Being able to be mentally focused in life, and being stable day by day, is mental health. And personally l, this topic means a lot to me and I now take mental health very seriously!
Present day I am able to focus my thoughts more.
Journal and write often to express my thoughts. I also have a therapist to process my thoughts. I find it to be a very healthy outlet.
Changing your way of doing things is important for a new positive direction in life!
Begin working on knowing who you are!
Find a way to give back and serve
Practice and make it a habit to always do the right thing!
Spend time with new people who do positive things that influence positive behavior!
Pick up a new hobby.
Practice random acts of kindness!
Forgive yourself.
Take breaks when needed!
Part two of my story will be posted soon. Subscribe so you do not miss it!
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