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Everyone expresses their feelings differently regardless of whether you’re an adult or a child. However, adults can talk more about their emotions and what they feel. Kids, they have several ways on how they convey what they are feeling. Children at a young age do not always have ways to communicate. They have more complex […]
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Mental health wellness is vital as it determines how we feel and how other people feel around us. If you’re not mentally healthy, there is a great risk that the way you function in life can be affected. From feeling anxious to, depressed – you’re at greater risk of sleeping too much or sleeping too […]
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Being self-aware is a great way to improve your relationships, the way you think, and even your physical health. Here are some tips on how you can become more self-aware: Reflect on your behavior. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize your own behaviors and emotions, as well as those of others. If you want to […]