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Being self-aware is a great way to improve your relationships, the way you think, and even your physical health. Here are some tips on how you can become more self-aware: Reflect on your behavior. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize your own behaviors and emotions, as well as those of others. If you want to […]

How To Be Self-aware of yourself and others

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When it comes to making good decisions, there are no easy answers. It’s a process, not an event. But if you can understand how to take responsibility for your own behavior and what is best for yourself and others, then the journey toward making better choices will be easier than ever before! 1. Identify your […]

How To Make Decisions Responsibly

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Social awareness is a huge part of the world we live in. It’s not just about being aware of people around you, though. It’s also about being aware of the world around you. And that means paying attention to what goes on in other parts of the world—and even beyond it. You can start by […]

Social Awareness: What To Know About It

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Dallas Fort Worth Youth Mental Health Awareness Speaker  Mental Health can be a hard topic to talk about. But it is vital that we discuss it to raise more awareness. And to effectively share how mental health works, I hope you guys don’t mind if I get a little personal here.  As a teenager, I […]

Dallas Fort Worth Youth Mental Health Awareness Speaker

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10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health We’ve all heard about it. They said that if you don’t take care of your body, your body will break. But that goes the same for mental health. Mental health illness is not a joke and the people who suffer from it needed help. At some […]

10 Ways On How You Can Take Care of Your Mental Health

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5 Ways To Help Children Express Their Emotions Everyone expresses their feelings differently regardless of whether you’re an adult or a child. However, adults can talk more about their emotions and what they feel. For kids, they have a number of ways on how they convey what they are feeling. Children at a young age […]

Ways Children Express Their Emotions

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April 2019 will make 20 years since the Columbine High School Shooting. Where are we as a nation? I was honored to be able to photograph Sue Klebold’s visit to Dallas, Texas. Mental Health America of Greater Dallas welcomed her along with a host of many other readers of her book. As a founder of […]

Sue Klebold, Mother of Columbine Shooter, Speaks Out

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Mental Health Awareness and what you can do about your own mental health starting today!

World Mental Health Day