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I grew up in a good and happy family. As a kid, I didn’t have a lot that I had to overcome. Mental health never was something that I had to think about at all. When I was in college, I got into a relationship, and this person – he was my first love. At […]
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I come from a religious family and basically, Christianity is very important to me. My faith is very crucial and it starts when I go to bed at night. I would obsessively pray and I had to have everything right. Every prayer has a specific way and if I forgot something or someone in the […]
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My mom had depression growing up and so it was something that ran in our family. While as for my dad, he is kind of the strong-willed type. However, for my dad, his father was physically abusive. And for him, being verbally abusive was his way of not following his father’s footsteps. Sadly, I don’t […]
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New year, new you! You know the drill: it’s time to reflect on the past and make some resolutions for next year. We’re here to help with that—and to make sure you don’t forget about your goals and intentions before you’ve even made them. So let’s get started! First off, think about where you want […]
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My mom passed away and it brought out the worst in everybody’s behavior. We realized that the majority of the problems that we had came from the way we were raised. Normally, I’m a very self-aware person. That is why my mental health is something that I’m very conscious of. At first, it was different […]
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Metal health wellness is vital as it determines how we feel and how other people feel around us. If you’re not mentally healthy, there is a great risk that the way you function in life can be affected. From feeling anxious to, depressed – you’re at greater risk of sleeping too much or sleeping too […]
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Bullying prevention is an important topic to talk about. Bullying is a problem that affects everyone, and it’s important to learn how to deal with it in a safe and healthy way. When you see bullying happening, it’s okay to tell the person being bullied that they don’t deserve it. You can also try telling […]
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Mental health always had its stigma and no one wants to talk about it. But as you should know, it’s an important thing that has to be discussed with everyone – including children. Mental health is a complicated topic, but here are some things that can help you be aware of what’s going on with […]
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My first memories of dealing with mental health or even realizing something was wrong was when my grandmother passed away. I was 17 and from that moment, I started to have panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and depersonalization. Depersonalization is when you suffer a trauma that’s too much for your brain to handle, so it detaches […]
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We wanted to take this time to remind you that you’re not alone, and there are things you can do to support mental health awareness. We know it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to supporting mental health awareness, so we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite […]