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I dealt with extreme anxiety for over a decade. I started having panic attacks when I was a teen. I dealt with extreme anxiety for over a decade, and experienced a true spout of depression in my 20’s. The unknown scared me so much… Like when my parents split up as a child that was […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

It Started with panic attacks.

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It’s Mental Health Awareness Month! We wanted to take this time to remind you that you’re not alone, and there are things you can do to support mental health awareness. We know it can be hard to know where to start when it comes to supporting mental health awareness, so we’ve put together a list […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

Mental Health Awareness Month

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As I laid on the side of the highway in unbearable pain and shock, God spoke words to me that I would never forget. It was that very moment that I realized that I have a true purpose here on earth. Like many, I battled with exposing the truth out of embarrassment and shame so […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

Overcoming depression and making better choices

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Metal health wellness is vital as it determines how we feel and how other people feel around us. If you’re not mentally healthy, there is a great risk that the way you function in life can be affected. From feeling anxious to, depressed – you’re at greater risk of sleeping too much or sleeping too […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

10 Things On How You Can Promote Mental Health Wellness

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A lot of people do not recognize how important mental health is. We often set aside feelings that may already be a symptom of mental health. But, don’t let it get the best of you. Sometimes you may feel guilty about it because it makes you feel uncomfortable. And it’s okay, we all have our […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

10 Mental Health Dates You Should Know

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The amount of verbal and emotional abuse that I tolerated was unreal, but like many I psyched myself to believe that “it’s not like he was hitting me”. I profess today that abuse is abuse! The day I decided to leave my ex-boyfriend was the day that I became a victim of a suicidal-murder attempt. […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

“Please get me out, I don’t want to die like this.”

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I always like to minister the fact that we simply cannot be of help to anyone or successful at fulfilling our duties and roles of being a wife, mother, sister, friend, entrepreneur, employee, or whatever role you have if we aren’t living in the best versions of ourselves. Many things shape and affect our mental […]

One Belief Organization provides our students with opportunities for personal development through a combination of presentations and a social-emotional learning curriculum. Our Mental Health Awareness program focuses on mental health awareness, conflict resolution, and addressing the needs of the whole child. We believe that mental health awareness is crucial for students.

I am a survivor of a suicidal-murder attempt by an ex-boyfriend.

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Dallas Fort Worth Youth Mental Health Awareness Speaker  Mental Health can be a hard topic to talk about. But it is vital that we discuss it to raise more awareness. And to effectively share how mental health works, I hope you guys don’t mind if I get a little personal here.  As a teenager, I […]

Dallas Fort Worth Youth Mental Health Awareness Speaker

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10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health We’ve all heard about it. They said that if you don’t take care of your body, your body will break. But that goes the same for mental health. Mental health illness is not a joke and the people who suffer from it needed help. At some […]

10 Ways On How You Can Take Care of Your Mental Health

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5 Ways To Help Children Express Their Emotions Everyone expresses their feelings differently regardless of whether you’re an adult or a child. However, adults can talk more about their emotions and what they feel. For kids, they have a number of ways on how they convey what they are feeling. Children at a young age […]

Ways Children Express Their Emotions